Shorelane Arts


Shorelane Arts is home to a rare collection of Indigenous paintings for sale, many created in the Woodland style under the influence of the great Norval Morrisseau, featuring the works of esteemed artists Christian Morrisseau, Roy Thomas, Jay Bell Redbird, Stephen Snake, Brian Marion, Ivan Shawana, Frank Polson, Roger Kakepetum, Paul Kohoko and Richard Bedwash.

David Spector


Upcoming Events

A Glimpse from the Indigenous Art Show
June 1st – June 30th

A Glimpse from the Indigenous Art Show
June 1st to
June 30th


David Spector
& Lisa Farano

Since the early 90’s David Spector has been passionate about collecting original works of art from a wide spectrum of styles. Known in Toronto as one of the top advisors in the wealth sector, David is also known for his integrity in bringing rare works of art to the public and for protecting the artists and sharing their stories. His long-term goals include providing educational and artistic space for up-and-coming artists and supporting them in developing their markets.

David met Lisa Farano in 2022 and together they developed Shorelane Arts. Lisa is a recent recipient of the Order of Ontario and is passionate about developing awareness and understanding of Indigenous issues and building better relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.

The Artists

Peter Bighetty

Richard Bedwash

Paul Kohoko

Brian Marion

Christian Morrisseau

Frank Polson

Jay Bell Redbird

Steven Snake

Roy Thomas


Shorelane Arts Sponsors Yonnhe’ón:we - A Celebration of Indigenous Arts

Learning by observing: Wasaga Beach Indigenous art show offers path to understanding

Pop-up art show features Indigenous works from personal collection



1958 Shorelane Drive
Wasaga Beach, Ontario L9Z 1T7

David Spector
